Friday, October 12, 2012

Journal Entries

Math Exam

Today we had a exam for about 8 pages long. It was a very intense exam were we had about 2 periods to end it (80 minutes).This exam had all sort of questions and equations. This was a easy test if you know and payed attention during class, because if not you would have gotten a bit of trouble during and majority of the exam.
Math is the type of subject were their is no studying, and in part that is why math is the easiest subject of all. Not only that, though what i am trying to say is that math is the matter of practicing and understanding procedures. Yes, sometimes vocabulary words need to be studied though what i am trying to say is that sometimes math is unexpected of what problems are going to appear.
In my opinion these exam was a good learning process for me to gather information for the future.

1 comment:

  1. Based on the writing in your blog, you are at the meeting expectations stage (3) of writing in the first term. All of the required elements of your blog are present. There are however, a few simple word choice and grammar errors.
    As you are at the meeting expectations stage you are demonstrating that you link your reading to what you want to convey with your writing. There are still some gaps in your word choice knowledge that increased critical reading will fix.
    Please remember the expectation in English that when you write, you proofread your work by reading it out loud to yourself. You should continue to show your work to someone else and have someone read your work back to you.
