Squirm: Verb/twist the body from side to side.
I have to squirm to get in there.
eagerly:adjective/wanting something very much
Poor eager for food.
Greedily:adjective/ selfish desire for something
The thief's are greedily for money.
Hastily:adverb/With excess speed
Ran hastily yesterday.
Pace:noun/ a single step while running
She was taking small paces.
Shaggy:adjective/long thick and unkept
The goat has a shaggy coat.
Squeaky:adjective/ making a sound or a cry
The baby is squeaky at night.
The goat has a shaggy coat.
Squeaky:adjective/ making a sound or a cry
The baby is squeaky at night.
Swampy:adjective/characteristics of a swamp
The swampy place.
Velvety:noun/woven fabric or silk
the house has a velvety carpet
The swampy place.
Velvety:noun/woven fabric or silk
the house has a velvety carpet
Greedily:adjective. having or showing and intense desire for something.
I greedily want the purse.
Hastily: adverb. with excessive speed or urgency
I hastily ran to the door.
Pace: noun. a single step taken while walking and running
She took small paces to the window.
Shaggy: adjective. long thick and unkept fur.
Her coat was shaggy for the winter.
Squeaky: adjective. furtive
The sound was very squeaky.
Squirm: Verb. To move/twist like a worm.
Frank, thinking about the nurses´s needle, began to squirm in his seat.
Swampy: adjective. resembling a swamp
The smell of the lake was swampy.
Velvety:noun. woven fabric or slik.
The furniture was velvety
aftertaste: noun. a taste typically and unpleasant one.
My drink was very aftertaste.
afterthought: noun. thought or added later.
My afterthought of the day was dancing.
discourage: verb. to lose confidence or enthusiasm.
They had the discourage of failing.
disease: noun. a disorder of a function in a human.
The people around town had a disease.
dishonest: adjective. behaving in a untrustworthy way.
She was dishonest with her family.
eagerly: adjective. wanting to have something very much.
She was eager for the cloths in the store.
forefathers: noun. a member of the past generation or an ancestor.
She had a very important forefather.
foresight: noun. the ability to predict
She had a foresight feeling in the woods.
foretell: verb. predict.
To foretell her about yesterday
informal: adjective. having a relaxed form of nature.
She wore a informal dress to the party.
insane: adjective. seriously mentally ill.
The patient was insane.
insincere: adjective, not expressing genuin feelings.
The man had an insincere look on his face.
mischief: noun. playful misbehavior troublemaking.
The mischief student was expelled.
postdate: verb. assign a date later than the actual one.
The postdate was late.
postpone: verb. cause or rearrange something.
I postponed the date of the dinner.
precede: verb. go infront or ahead.
She preceded the information.
predict: verb. say or estimate that something will happen in the future.
She predicted the rain for the afternoon.
preface: noun. an introduction to a book.
She made the preface of the book.
prefix: noun. a word, letter or number placed before another.
She had a prefix wrong.
prehistoric: adjective. denoting the period before written records.
The class was about a prehistoric theme.
unaware: adjective. having no knowledge of a situation.
She was unaware of the subject.
uneasy: adjective. causing or feeling anxiety.
She felt uneasy to see her friend.
Mending, noun: thing to be repaired by sewing."When he was sitting out of doors mending the nets, and all alone, he would often look eagerly to the North."
Eagerly, adjective: wanting to do or have something very much. "he would often look eagerly to the North."
Ridge, noun: a long narrow hilltop, mountain range. "They had been going uphill and now were at the top of the ridge."
Downs, adverb: in a lower place or position. "Narnia of the heathery mountains and the thymy downs."
Glens, noun: a narrow valley. "the plashing glens"
Caverns, noun: a cave or a chamber in a cave. "the mossy caverns and the deep forests ringing with the hammers of the Dwarfs."
Box, verb: fighting a opponent using the hands. "he would box Shasta's ears and tell him to attend to his work."
Indigence, noun: a sate of extreme poverty. "concern them are steering the ship of folly towards the rock of indigence'."
Dappled, adjective: marked with spots or patches. "He rode upon a strong dappled horse with flowing mane and tail"
Stirrups, noun: each of a pair of devices."You'll need to shorten those stirrups a good bit." When all was finished it said:"
Moderately. Adverb. To certain extent; quiet; fairly.
"if it had sold well he would come home in a moderately good temper."
Bridle. Noun. a horse's bridle: harness, headgear; hackamore.
"He found the Horse's saddle and bridle which had been locked up there for the night."
Inlaid. Adjective. lined, paneled, laid; ornamented, decorated; mosaic, intarsia, marquetry.
"His stirrups and bridle were inlaid with silver."
Scimitar. Noun. a short sword with a curved blade that broadens toward the point.
"By his side hung a curving scimitar."
Lance. Noun. a long weapon for thrusting, having a wooden shaft and a pointed steel head.
"His right hand grasped a lance."
"His right hand grasped a lance."
Crimson. Adjective. of a rich deep red color inclining to purple.
"What did surprise him was the man's beard which was dyed crimson."
"What did surprise him was the man's beard which was dyed crimson."
thatched Adjective. a roof covering of straw, reeds, palm leaves, or a similar material.
On these occasions he usually slept with the donkey in its little thatched stable.
carbuncles Noun. a severe abscess or multiple boil in the skin,
Has not one of the poets said, 'Natural affection is stronger than soup and offspring more precious than carbuncles?"'
scourge Noun. historical a whip used as an instrument of punishment.
"He who attempts to deceive the judicious is already baring his own back for the scourge."
manifestly Adjective. clear or obvious to the eye or mind
This boy is manifestly no son of yours.
formidable Adjective. inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large,
"O my formidable guest, that because of my extreme poverty I have never married and have no child.
Litter: a vehicle containing a bed or seat enclosed by curtains and carried on men's shoulders or by animals.
"What would you care about Tashbaan? But I ought to be riding in on a litter with soldiers before me and slaves behind, and perhaps going to a feast in the Tisroc's palace”.
Flutter: an act of fluttering: there was a flutter of wings at the window.
“Following the crier, came four armed slaves and then four bearers carrying a litter which was all a-flutter with silken curtains and all a-jingle with silver bells and which scented the whole street with perfumes and flowers”.
Draw(verb): pull or drag (something such as a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind: a cart drawn by two horses.
"And now home. I say, darling, do you think we really want the curtains drawn on a day like this? I mean to say-"
Dreadfully: very badly: the company has performed dreadfully.
"It isn't funny at all," she said. "It's dreadfully serious. Where can you hide me?"
Tittering: give a short, half-suppressed laugh; giggle: her stutter caused the children to titter.
"But if the husband of that tittering Tarkheena friend of yours is paying his head groom to get the best oats, then I think the head groom is cheating him."
Fortnight: a period of two weeks.
“There have been the most wonderful parties and hunts and things all this last fortnight”.
Queer: strange; odd: she had a queer feeling that they were being watched.
“All round the walls there were low sofas with rich cushions on them, and the room seemed to be full of people; very queer people some of them”.
Frantic, (adjective) Wild with fear, anxiety and other emotions.
“but Aravis reminded her in a frantic whisper to say something to the slaves”
Colonnade (noun) a row of columns supported by a roof.
“and then into the Hall of Statues and down the colonnade”
Bearers (noun) A person or think that carries something.
“The bearers had stopped and the litter was being lowered”
Punt (noun) a long, narrowed, flat bottomed boat, square at both ends and propelled with a long pole.
“There are always a few punts and things tied up outside it”
Halter (noun) a rope or a strap placed around the head of the horse.
“She grabbed Bree's halter and stood still”
Pillared (noun) a tall vertical structure of stone.
“in a beautiful pillared room”
Sorcerer (noun) a person who is believed that he has magic powers.
“and kept on telling Aravis that Narnia was a country of perpetual snow and ice inhabited by demons and sorcerers”
15. Frills: a strip of gathered or pleated material sewn by one side onto a garment or larger piece of material as a decorative edging or ornament.
16. Earnest: resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.
17. Veil: a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face.
18. Blunder: a stupid or careless mistake.
19. Groom: look after the coat of by brushing and cleaning it
20. Scandal: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.
17. Veil: a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face.
18. Blunder: a stupid or careless mistake.
19. Groom: look after the coat of by brushing and cleaning it
20. Scandal: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.
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